Artist Responsibilities vary from venue-to-venue, but here are some ideas to help get you started. Some of this may be repeated in your Terms & Conditions, but keep in mind that the intent of this section is to net out specific details that you may be expecting from the artist.  

  1. Cover Charge: “Please send your preferred cover change via Stagehand messaging at the bottom right hand corner of the form. We suggest between $X - $Y.” 

  2. Promotion: What is expected of the artist for promotion? (Social media posts, gig posters, etc.)

  3. Timeliness: Artists must be set up and ready to perform by their scheduled time. 

  4. Artist Cancellation: What happens if an artist has to cancel? Be clear on any timelines.  

  5. Sound: If the artist is responsible for mixing their own sound, or if the artist is expected to pay for the sound engineer, reiterate those details here.

  6. Cooperate with Authorities: Performers must agree to respect the authority of the host venue staff, security, and volunteers.

  7. Venue Appropriate Content: Specify if all content must be family friendly or not.